Wednesday, February 06, 2008

What did she expect???

Thing 1, as of late, has become obsessed with the idea of learning Japanese. She, like many others, wants to learn Japanese so she can read manga and watch anime in their original language. (What about peace, love and understanding???)

So, when Thing 1 called me at work last night, after 8:00 p.m., and demanded that I pick up a "Japanese learning device" on the way home, then sent me an email that states, "don't forget to get the Japanese learning device!!!!", and then accosted me when I walked in the door to confirm that I got the "Japanese learning device", what did she possibly expect?

That I would actually procure a object that would aid her in learning Japanese? Or that I would wrap aluminum foil around a collander, stick forks out of the top, and instruct in the proper use? (Wear at all times, except when sleeping.)

Apparently she thought the former. But after 10 minutes of self-pity, she decided it was funny.

Thing 2 loved it, tried it on, and started speaking Spanish. I probably have to play around with the forks, like rabbit ear antennae, to get the Japanese frequency.

Pix to come.



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