Sold Out By Calvin & Hobbes
I nearly fell off my chair. I thought it was the pinot noir reading (it happens). But there I was, not 30 minutes ago, when my 30-something, smarty-pants, know-it-all, over-ejumacated self learned that "transmogrify" is a real word.
Not just a real word like so many Websters Exciting International Fabulous Edition 28th creations, but a REAL real word. (BTW, I must be an early adopter. I've known bubkes was a word for, like, a year. Maybe two.)
As in, trans.mog.ri.fy to change in appearance or form, esp. strangely or grotesquely; tranform. [vulgar or humorous coinage]. The Collegiate Dictionary, Random House, 1984.
Not the OED, I'll admit. But, more importantly, not "Calvin & Hobbes made it up to describe what happens when FREAKIN CALVIN GOES INTO THE TRANSMOGRIFICATION BOX AND CLONES HIMSELF!!!!!!"
which is where I thought the word came from
Well, imagine my chagrin, while reading a print out from Wright and Miller*, to see the words "TRO transmogrification". I thought, "law professors don't have senses of humor, what's this 'transmogrification' usage about?" Then I thought, "Law professors DO have senses of humor, but ABSOLUTELY not in their formal writing...Could 'transmogrify' be a word?????."
My trusty dictionary and its youthful backup are in my office. But luckily I keep a spare at home. I guess I can keep using the word, but only wistfully, not ironically. It isn't fun to say it anymore, now that it's legitimate usage. I'll have to make up a new word, like "changeamicate" or something.
There's no "yes, Virginia" letter for me.
*Lawer thingy. Talk amongst yourselves.
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