Saturday, March 10, 2007

Even the best laid plans. . .

Ever since I decided I needed to leave my current job, I had been developing a plan to have my bosses beg me to stay whilst offering to lavish me with raises, bonuses and scantily clad man-servants. To which I will smile sweetly and say, "I wish I could. But some things, once said, simply cannot be taken back."

Everthing was going according to plan: I had made myself indispensible on a major case that is likely to be tried late this year; ingratiated myself to key players; and I've taken an active role in training newer associates.

But then Thursday came, and a client on one of my files decided to "assign alternate counsel" because of (ostensibly) my inaction. Now, in my defense, I handled things absolutely correctly, diligently, proactively, etc etc, and the client, in "blaming" me, demonstrated her complete lack of knowledge of civil procedure.

I couldn't exactly school her because she's the client. ("Mira! Damn, lady! I can't enter an appearance until I know who I'm appearing for.") All concerned on my end agree that I did nothing wrong, and they've assured me that when they speak to the client next week, after the dust has settled, they will tell her as much.

But how will they beg me to stay when the clients act irrationally around me. Will my resignation make their hearts drop, or bring about a sigh of relief?



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