The First Step is Admitting You Have a Problem
My Name is Fran and I have a problem. I own far more yarn than I can ever knit in my lifetime. I used to be proud of my STABLE status (STash Acquisition Beyond Life Expectancy), but now it causes me distress.
By Way of Background
I'm taking a week's vacation because, well, if I'm in a use-it-or-lose-it situation by month's end and it's not like it matters if I bill my goal this year. And my house is a stinking mess, with more crap stored in every corner. . .
I NEED at least two weeks to get the job done, so I'm taking a week now and I'll take a week before I start my next job. This week's agenda -- clean and organize basement, office, stash, kids rooms, closets. I probably won't get the basement done. Next week's agenda -- finish basement, finish the painting projects I started last January, and assorted small decorating projects.
The Stash that Ate My House
Today's plan is to catalogue and organize craft stash and notions. I'm about halfway through taking notes on my yarn stash and I am embarrassed. When the stash is tucked into different corners of the house, it doesn't look that big. But when you're finishing your third legal pad page of entries and you've still got the BIG STASH in the basement to go through, you realize that maybe you've got too much yarn.
I read Kate Antonova's lovely explanation of why stash is good and healthy and normal, but I am scared of what I got lying around my house. I look at all of the beautiful yarn that once brought me a warm and fuzzy feeling, and I feel empty. Like an alcoholic being forced to look at all of the empties she's hidden around the house. This is not good.
The Second Step is De-Stashing
I'm going to force myself to face this problem and complete my inventory. Then, I'm going to take a hard look at the stash and admit to myself that I don't need or want to have all of this clutter. I don't have a specific reduction in mind, but I will make a serious dent in the stash.
The Third Step is Making Amends
Or maybe just a little cash. I'm ebaying a lot of this stuff. I came across skeins of Mission Falls 1824 wool and a pattern book -- I'm never going to make those mittens, I don't care how cute they are. WTF. I'm selling them. $.20 on the dollar is still more than $taking-up-space-in-my-closet. And maybe I'll make a few bucks from my sales to buy some of that nice alpaca I had my eyes on . . .
Or maybe a nice tax deduction. I've had a garbage bag full of acrylics and other stuff sitting in my basement for YEARS now, just waiting for me to bring it down to the Senior Center. Well it's going. Friday is the day.
Or maybe some karma. Like last year, I am going to devote Lent to charity knitting this year. I can burn through excess stash, do good works, and win points with The Big Guy. Not too shabby.
The Fourth Step is Guilt-Free Knitting and a Cleaner House
Oh yeah! I'm liking that. Less complaining from The Hubbins too.
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