Sunday, October 15, 2006

Michaels 1, Paranoid Inner Voice 0

Good thing I didn't bitch and moan to the Michael's Yarn Commendatore last week. I was completely wrong. (Yes, it was bound to happen once. . .)

I was not the yarn doctor to which they referred. They had a slew of paid staff, sitting around knitting and crocheting to answer questions. I did little, other than knitting a Warm Up America Square (which looks conspicuously like a rectangle), and stifling a giggle while the paid staff Knit Lights spokesmodel tried desparately to look like the little flashlights at the tips of her needles actually helped. (I'm sorry, but pour quoi? Can you imagine -- you're running late for the movie, you pull out of the driveway and screech to a halt -- you forgot your light-up knitting needles. How can you go to the movies without your light-up knitting needles?!? So back you go. Rummage rummage rummage. You can find the Size 7, 10 inch light-up needles, but where did you put the Size 5, 14 inch ones???? NFW, baby. I'll take my chances in the dark.)

Thing 2 accompanied me to Michael's, and we both won door prizes -- Knifty Knitter looms. Now Things 1 and 2 can engage in spool-to-the-death knitting competition. (You think I'm kidding? The two came to blows yesterday over whose small stuff animal had superior martial arts training and skills.)

I used my 20% off to purchase knitting notions for Things 1 and 2 who have, yet again, conned me into spending skads o'cash on them at lovely yarn boutiques because they said, "Mom, I want to knit something." I shall be pleasantly surprised if they complete any of the several yarn-related projects they started in the last 3 days.


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