Shhhhh. I'm hiding from my kids.
Don't tell them I'm down here, or they will find me and start complaining. Thing 3 is overtired from having apparently given up napping altogether (although I HEARTED that 7:30 p.m. bedtime last night), Thing 2 is in a foul mood ("Mom, can we leave [Thing 1] in an orphanage?" "A dirty one, that is overcrowded and serves only cold gruel?" "Yes." "Okay!"), and Thing 1 has taken to writing manifestos protesting her enslavement on the kitchen chalkboard ("How could you make me watch [Thing 3] while you prepared lunch and cleaned up after me????".
Drat! Thing 2 found me. Thing 1 has locked something of Thing 2's together with the brand-spanking-new combination lock I just bought her for school. Ugh.
OMG - I love it when someone else writes what you secretly think sometimes. That is too funny. But kids are like dogs - they can sniff you out. They can be quiet all day with a babysitter and the minute you walk in - they start in. Thanks for the smile.
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