Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Why Noggin is SOOO Wrong

Why would any rational 30-something have such a deep loathing of "pre-school on TV"? Because she is unemployed and playing SAHM until she gets a new job and she is SICK TO DEATH of that Moose A. Moose, who thinks he knows everything but doesn't. (Why, oh why, does a channel that purports to educate feature a creature that makes up words? It's stupideriffic of them, and counterish-productalicious!!!)

What is sooo wrong about Noggin? With the exception of Oobi (which rivals Battlestar Gallactica in its perfection) every show on Noggin is WRONG WRONG WRONG.

But first, some nice words. Oobi is perfect. I love Oobi. It should be scheduled for around 8:00 a.m. rather than 11:30. Thing 3 is a day care at 11:30 and I often miss it.

Now, for the nastiness:

Miffy is not a "smart little bunny." In my hours of researching, I've yet to see Miffy do anything exceptional. And why does a rabbit have a dog as a pet? Wouldn't the dog maul the rabbit? I know I would, given the chance.

Max and Ruby. Someone call the Department of Children and Families, please. These children are without adult supervision nearly all the time. I'd like to see Ruby whack Max upside the head the next time he bugs her.

Franklin. Oy vey. One of Franklin's friends is a female beaver named "Beaver". Yet the writers didn't think to name the male rooster "Cock".

Blue's Clues doesn't bother me much, except that Steve is a dope and Joe's name is really Donovan.


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