Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Evil Unfeeling Wench

That would be me, BTW. Just finished reading my law school reunion weekend invite and it managed to pick the scab off something that ticked me off back then.

One of my classmates is the granddaughter of Ethel & Julius Rosenberg. Why do I know this? It is not because we were tight and in some drunken confessional, I revealed my years of torment and pain* and she revealed her family's dirty little treasonous secret. No, I don't think I even spoke with her in three years. I know her geneology because she practically had it tatooed on her forehead ("Ask me about my dead grandparents"). She appeared, as granddaughter of E&J, as if this gave her cred, on every panel she possibly could to bear witness to the horror and injustice of capital punishment. I'll concede that she was probably sought out for this.

To put this in perspective, remember that E&J were executed in 1953 -- long before the Annointed One was conceived. Yet, her having dead grandparents = Automatic Cred. Couldn't argue in favor of capital punishment because we have a victim of the fallout from capitol punishment on our side.
I don't mean to sound completely heartless, but this thought echoed in my mind: Maybe they should have tried NOT spying for the enemy.
OK, this was law school and most of my classmates were freshly-scrubbed, idealistic 24 year olds, rather than bitter old hags like moiself. I never attended any of her panels because I was certain they would not be balanced. As anyone who attended law school would know, the point-counterpoint of 99% of the discussions of law school go as follows:

POINT: "[Liberal cause] is really bad, and discriminatory, and should be stopped by the implementation of [program with great expense to the evil corporations, which make so much money anyway]."
COUNTERPOINT: "I disagree. [Liberal cause] is tantamount to Jim Crow, eugenics, and smeary wax build up, and MUST be stopped by having the United Nations implement [program with great expense to rich and evil United States, which has so much money anyway.]"

How cute! I remember being knee-jerk when I was a pup. I figured I'd ignore them until they started paying taxes on their $150K+/year salaries and discover that $800 suits are NOT deductible, even if they only wear them for work.

What brings up all this bile, 4 years post graduation? The Annointed One is appearing on a panel about the horror and injustice of Guantanamo Bay during The Law School Reunion Extravaganza. She works for a constitutional law center of some sort, so she appears to have credentials for the panel. Still, I just may attend and see if her dead grandparents are mentioned among her list of accomplishments.
* Ring around the collar, hard water stains and dishpan hands.


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