Another edition of Sheepish Grin's regular feature about goings on at the Vatican. Today's subject: Aunt Marion was right after all, but will that make her a better driver?
I never did get around to posting my diatribe about God's Driving Rules. Suffice it to say that, while I do not condone bad driving and would not ever drive badly myself, I believe it is a person's choice to drive badly and should not be regulated by The Church.
Though shalt not commit a Connecticut Left* because I shalt not stop for your dumbass.
But apparently Aunt Marion and Mel Gibson are right because the Latin mass is de rigeur. I expect to see it in the next Entertainment Weekly. ("In - Latin; Five minutes ago - Children's; Out - Folk")
I'll meet you at the Klingon Mass at the next SciFi Con.
* A phenomenon first observed by this author upon her relocation to Connecticut 13 years ago. Connecticut is silly with busy 2-lane roads that lack the traffic-lights-ever-6-feet of New York. A Connecticut Left is a moving violation and occurs when the driver who wants to make a left turn, instead of waiting for both lanes to be clear so that a legal left can be made, drives straight into the closest lane -- thereby stopping that traffic flow -- and waits for either the far lane to open up or a "courteous driver" to stop and let him or her in -- thereby stopping the other lane of traffic flow. This moniker has been adopted by the Greenwich Police Department, so now it is official.
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