Saturday, March 02, 2019

Just a BLINK and a Decade Has Passed

So how's things? Good, good. Glad to hear it.

So, Hubbins and I just celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary, so it's been an appalling amount of time since I've posted. Miss me?

The short version: Shit happened. Some good. Some less so. I got back surgery. The Hubbins got promoted. Thing 1 joined the Navy and got a cat. Thing 2 came out as genderqueer and got a dog. Thing 3 just wants to ski. I'm unemployed. The Prius was totaled.

What was that? The Prius was totaled.

You meant the other thing? I'm unemployed? How is that more interested than Chief NavyCat aka The Right Honourable Christopher Edmund Kat?

Fine! Lemme just say that ADHD is a fucking heinous sea hag cunt bitch. What's even worse -- being diagnosed in your 40s and finally recognizing that probably every major misunderstanding and disappointment in your life are manifestations of undiagnosed ADHD.

Ugh. I try to keep it all in perspective. I really can't wallow in self-pity or perseverate on what might have been.
  • First, my brain jumps away too quickly for me to do anything more than think, "Whoa, that sucks."
  • Second, girls didn't get ADHD until the 90s and anyway you grew out of it. It's just like how gaydar didn't exist in the 80s because we didn't have gays in high school. These kids today have no idea. It's like trying to explain phone cords.
Hmmm. Now there was something Thing 2 and I were talking about 20 minutes ago that led me to think, "Fuck it, I have to blog about that," but now I can't remember what it is. I doubt it was the grocery shopping they're talking about now.

I should go ahead and nap on that.

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