Monday, October 20, 2008

When worlds collide

Bizarro worlds colliding moment yesterday when I logged onto Facebook and saw that Mary O'Connor Smith commented on Jane Stein Doe's page, and I contemplated the apparent fact that Mary O'Connor and Jane Stein know each other. Not just know each other, but have known each other since back when.

You see, Mary O'Connor is the name of someone I hung out with in high school. I knew her from CYO, and not from Port Richmond or Staten Island because everyone from Port Richmond and Staten Island was a guido or a JAP, had stupid big hair and liked bad music; whereas, some people from CYO were cool, albeit scarily preppy by Staten Island standards, and liked decent music. Mary O'Connor was cool, scarily preppy and liked good music. Jane Stein, well, she was from Staten Island and Port Richmond.

Of course, I ran into Jane Stein Doe at our reunion, and had a great old time talking to her because, well my hairstyle and taste of music has ma-toored and I thought perhaps hers had as well. It had. So we're Facebook bffs.

But I never, in a billion years, expected to find out that she and Mary O'Connor were sorority sisters. It's like finding out that Mrs. John (Fanny) Dashwood and Jane Eyre were sorority sisters. OMGWTFBBQ!

Anyway, this revelation resulted in a flurry of emails between me and Coretta, wherein a discovered that many of my high school/early college crushes were obvious Friends of Dorothy. I was completely oblivious at the time, which leads me to conclude that my gaydar must have been set to "Just because he likes Morrissey doesn't necessarily mean anything".


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