The last three pictures
I'm trying to catch y'all up. It's late on a Friday night. Into my second glass of w(h)ine. Thing 3 is standing on the steps whispering to me, trying to get my attention because, after all, she isn't supposed to be asleep at 10:00 p.m...
Here goes -- my photo essay of July through late September:
July: major de-stash. I sold a bunch of craft crap on ebay and learned that people will probably buy just about anything if you call it "vintage" or "NIB" or "retired". As in: NIB scrapbooking doohicky I bought on a whim retired color BUY IT NOW for $25.00. Whatever. I screwed up a few shipments and with maximum headache probably netted $100.00. Still better than I would have done in a yard sale to non-craft types.
Still, the one ultra-groovy thing I thought should have sold did not -- super retro vintage sewing books I inherited from Aunt Catherine.
Take a look at the book on the upper left -- Son of Hassle-Free Sewing. Includes patterns for wrap shorts, wrap pants, overalls, wrap dresses, and features copious facial and pit hair. I suppose I should be glad that this didn't slip away, so next time I feel like I'm being oppressed by the man, I'll just grab my hassle-free doubleknit caftan, jump into my van, and like be.
I was surprised this did not sell. I figured there had to be some Moosewood Cookbook/Laurel's Kitchen type who could not resist the magical goodness of vintage 70s fashion. But maybe they don't have electricity because that would not be like out of tune with what Gaia intends.
August - short trip to the Dominican Republic for Roy and Terri's wedding. Couldn't find camera so no pix. BUT, learned an important lesson -- the mother-in-law's radar is more keenly tuned than the children. In fact, the only time the Hubbins and I had that was not devoted to wedding and family stuff, mother-in-law interrupted. And if that weren't bad enough, a half hour or so later, after the Hubbins left to help his Dad maneuver around (DR resort did not quite "get" the Americans with Disabilities Act -- which is not surprising since we were in DR -- but did require Hubbins to help Dad a good deal. I digress.) Anyway, a half hour or so later, I'm at the pool with MIL and mother of close friend to groom and Hubbins. MIL is heard to say, "I keep telling Poppy that he can't keep calling on Hubbins to help him. This is Fran and Hubbins' time."
***Fran is hard-pressed to remember when Poppy interrupted anything during that trip***
BUT, airplane knitting resulted in funky bag I ultimately gave to niece, who squee'd with delight (spokesmodel is Thing 1):
August ended with Thing 1 and Thing 2 starting the school year at separate middle schools and a host of meetings with Thing 2's guidance counselor, principal, faxing reports all over the place, etc. Thing 2 started the Exploration Academy, which is a magnet school within a school. The focus is on scientific inquiry and is very much self-directed. Totally up Thing 2's alley, but we enjoyed the entire summer listening to her cry and carry on and proclaim that she hates science and math, hates the Exploration Academy curriculum and doesn't she get a say in how we are ruining her life?!?
She's lightened up since then, "loves" the Exploration Academy, and just today asked me how to play "Bad to the Bone" on the guitar because she and a friend have been composing a song to annoy a kid who took her friend's calculator. (Something about poodles covered in ink. Frankly, I wasn't too concerned what it was about -- she is SOCIALIZING and getting into mischief with her classmates. Like a good 6th grader should. RAPTURE!!)
So... September
September began with obligatory cute picture of Thing 3:
I took an ill-fated trip to California for work. Back and forth in less than 36 hours, 23 of which were spent "in transit". Stupid opposing counsel did not show up for deposition, did not tell me until I was already on plane and could not escape plane without being arrested, witness did not show up either. Grrr. I am crushing their heads. And seeking sanctions.
But, before I left I loaded up my ipod with good things...
So, my plane to California was delayed for 3 or 4 hours, and included a deplane:
Finally arrived at less heinous hotel at 12:30 a.m. local time. Or 3:30 a.m. at human time.Less Heinous Hotel
I stayed at the Loews Hotel, which is considerably less imposing than the Viceroy hell I stayed at last time. Yes it is a beach resort, but they seemed less averse to lighting that a human can use to see, rather than be seen.
Normal, unintimidating hotel room
I quite liked this joint. Good selection of snacks, TV in the vanity area where I watched Best in Show before going to work. I was tempted to take the box of condoms and assorted marital aids from the snack bar (?) home with me, but feared how it would be listed on the bill that I would have to submit to my secretary. I'm not sure she would know how to categorize "plain brown wrapper" and I'm sure she could not resist the opportunity to send an email, copied to the partners, asking whether the ball gag was a personal expense...
My room was on the 5th floor, which seemed strangely almost street level. Maybe it was the time change. A play of light since the sun was coming up in the wrong spot. I don't know.
View from 5th Floor Balcony
Can't complain, though. I coulda stayed at the place next door...Such a lovely place.
Of course, the trip was not without its ironies: Hotel room featured NXTV video on demand funky fresh videosystem. It was NXTV executives that decided to blow off their depositiosn. I stayed up until 3:00 a.m. local time watching Die Hard Mit Kraut on this video system, but only for research purposes. Billed client for same.
Other sightings on trip:Santa Monica pier at 8:00 a.m. Compare and contrast with Santa Monica pier at night picture taken on June trip.
Gnarly, dude.
surfers en regalia
Tonight: Spied this bumper sticker and probably creeped out driver with flash photography:
...and 10 out of 10 Republican is Not Writing Good.
Thank you and goodnight.
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