New Ongoing Feature
As many of my readers (all three of you) know, I am a busy working mother of 3 precious--and precocious--girls. I frequently work well into the evening hours from my lair nearly atop Landmark Square because I am just that important.
The older two are in middle school (what we called "junior high" back in the day), and the youngest is in preschool. The two older girls are officially "too old for a babysitter", so we have been experimenting with letting them fend for themselves after school and having the sitter take over when it is time to pick up the youngest from daycare.
So far, so good.
Except that the older two have not quite gotten the "Mom's At Work" thing figured out and, no matter who is home with them, I get a call with the minutiae. We tried to rectify this by insisting that they communicate only by text message unless it is a "Real Emergency", but I find that my definition of "Real Emergency" (house on fire, arterial bleed) is not consistent with theirs (anything on their minds). So here is the new feature:
The Things I Get Calls About At Work.
Let's take a sample of the last week --
1) Thing 2 calls to announce that Thing 1 took her bread.
2) Thing 1 calls to ask when is Daddy coming home from work. (She did not call Daddy to ask same.)
3) Thing 2 calls to ask what is for dinner.
4) Thing 2 calls to ask if anything interesting happened in the world between 1923 and her birth. (Um...No. Nothing. Sorry.)
5) Thing 1 calls to say that The Dog took Thing 2's bread.
More later. I have to get my game face on for The Firm's Open House celebrating our fabulousness.
I love this post - my daughter is not yet old enough to use the phone but I anticipate many of these phone calls in the years ahead!
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