Wednesday, June 04, 2008

The Pix

OK, so exposition on the pix from 5/30 post.

1) I bought "Judo Ninja" for Thing 2 several weeks ago. She has spent the last few weeks taking pictures of Judo Ninja in different settings, so I thought I'd post one.

2) The baby swans have arrived at Hatters Park, where I spend most of the Spring due to Things 1 and 2's softball schedules. I'm still waiting for the day when the Proud Papa beats down that one stupid guy who thinks it is cool to waive a stick near the Swan Family. (Unfortunately, it is usually a 7 year old boy waiving the stick. I don't want him to get sliced .)

3) Those Wacky Codd Boys. Unable to commandeer authentic powder blue tuxedoes, Matt, Bobby, Terrance and Joe enjoy a meta-powder blue tuxedo moment at Terrance's wedding. The tradition continues.

4) Thing 3 running down the aisle at Terrance's wedding. She stopped mid-strut to investigate illicit toy throwing by the ringbearer's baby sister. Then demanded to know what was happening. I was up by the altar coaxing her to come up, which she finally did. The ringbearer, by the way, left her standing there. He was not going to mess up his performance for a baby diva.

5) Monument at 45th Infantry Division museum in OK City. Go Thunderbirds! I think I spotted Dad in that picture of from Easter Sunday Mass 1951.

6) Thing 3 and Cousin Lisa. Her new favorite cousin. Who has boobs, as Thing 3 so astutely pointed out during the wedding rehearsal. For everyone to hear. Including the pastor's wife, who was already pretty sure that I'm going to hell since she learned that Thing 2 was suspended for a second time after beating down some kid in her class with a chair.

On a related note, all three girls looked simply divine at Uncle Steven's wedding. Thing 2 is thinking about not cutting her hair since all of the stylists in the happeningest Greenwich salon were fawning over her -- so thick! so beautiful! She was radiant and I will post pix once I commandeer the camera back from The Hubbins. Thing 1 looked simply GAW-JUSS. Not sure I will post any of those pix. Think Kiki circa 1999 and you will know my and The Hubbins' pain.



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