Topics I've Been Wanting to Blog About
I usually think about these on the drive to work, when I'm least able to write. Here are some things I may be writing about in the near future:
1) Thing 2's school year-end meltdowns. Poor thing has been sooo well behaved this year but with only 2 weeks left, she's begun to decomp. Very funny things result
2) The 80s British Socialist/Communist musician belief that pop music could foment a workers' revolution was utter crap. But the songs are timeless and toe-tappin', even if the propaganda-lace lyrics are, well, silly. ("Governments crack and systems fall, 'cos unity is powerful . . ." Riiiiight.)
3) Sitting alone in one's office at midnight, whilst the more junior folks, whose work you are fixing for the nth time, are home and snug, tends to turn one into the evil bitchy more senior lawyer of which cautionary tales are written. I'm the one sitting here at midnight, but I'm not yet sure how the story ends.
4) The three faces of Fran -- each of my three daughters exhibit parts of my personality. Is it nature or nurture. Would an adopted child think it is fun to antagonize grammar school teachers the way Thing 2 does? Or brood nearly as deeply or frequently as Thing 1?
There are so many more topics, but so few hours to bill
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