I Love Me Some BIGLAW
Fran (from remote location): Dear Sr. Part Time Of Counsel Guy Who Is Connected to Significant Client and Gets Paid for Doing Nothing, Per request of Your Boss, who insists that you dance for your dinner now and again, please find Form X on computer system and look in the file to fill it out.
Sr. Pt Time Guy (6 hours later): OK, Can you get me the forms?
Sr. Pt Time Guy (2 minutes later): I've asked Secretary to get me the forms. Can you give me the information to fill in the blanks?
The amount of time I spent cursing this tool off, unable to concentrate on my work, eclipsed the time it would have taken to get the forms and fill them out myself. If his employment is a charade to keep a client happy, do I hafta play? I don't have the time -- what with all the forms and all -- and I've never much liked charades.
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