Monday, May 07, 2007

Make the Catch-22 Work for YOU!

I've just come up a plan that would make Milo Minderbinder proud. I'm going to syndicate my work.

You see, I've got supreme delegation power. Over and over, my boss tells me that when he assigns me to a task or a case, that he is assigning me to manage the task or case as I see fit. Either I do it, or delegate it to a junior person.

Today, my boss has called me into his office about 80 times to give me more tasks and cases, most of which involved "review so-and-so's work on X, before it comes to me." I'm thinking, SURE! I can't get my work done now -- give me MORE!

So here's my plan -- I'm going to delegate all of my work. Even the senior associate executive review work. When Junior Associate A gives me a memo, I'm calling Junior Associate B to read it and correct it. When Junior Associate B gives me a revised memo, it's going to Junior Associate C, in the New York office. By the time it comes back, Junior Associate A won't recognize it, so I'll give it back to her. And around she goes.

If all goes well, nothing will ever be accomplished and the work will achieve a consistent level of mediocrity. . .



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