Reunions and Resolutions
I attended my 5 year law school reunion last night and it was, uh, not quite what I expected. I went because I thought it would be fun to catch up with my classmates on their lives and careers, but by the time Hubbins and I got into The City, parked our car and started walking over to TheWaldorf-Astoria, where the shindig was held, I kinda wanted to just go to a quiet restaurant and enjoy My Man's company.
But we'd already paid a buck-and-a-half to eat with the lawyers, so that idea went nowhere. However, law school being not unlike high school, Hubbins and I ended up sitting alone because I made no effort to reconnect with people beforehand and we showed up too late to jockey for key tablemates. So we got our intimate dinner anyway. It was divine.
We got three umbrella emblazoned with the school's name, and I took a riotously funny face-plant on Second Avenue. I considered swiping a set of Waldorf-Astoria wineglasses to bestow upon my sister and her husband, to commemorate the 25th anniversary of their wedding night, which was spent at the Waldorf, but they wouldn't fit in my purse.
A few amusing observations the Hubbins made -- more women attended than men, and those women who DID attend were unescorted. They all wore Little Black Dresses -- this was expected, so I wore pants and a creme-colored kimono-like blouse. Many of them were lovely, and while we know many equally lovely men with whom to set them up, they would not consider anyone earning less than six figures to be worthy.
I reconnected with a pre-law school friend, with whom I hadn't spoken since law school, which was nice. But other than that, the law school aspect of the evening was forgettable.
RESOLVED, Hubbins and I must date more often;
RESOLVED, if I am going to capitalize on mondo law school affiliation, it must be in less class-specific environment because I can't compete with suitemates and drinking buddies. Never could. (Maybe in 5-10 years, when they're married, kids, living in 'burbs, it will be different);
Obligatory random picture:

WITHERING Mom "look"
Labels: chicken pot pie, umbrellas, yarn
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