An explanation, perhaps?
Stuart Katz is someone I had a terrible interview with about a year ago ("You're running late. [From my interviews with his colleagues.] I have a meeting. You have 2 minutes. What have you got for me?"). He was the hiring partner -- the one who was supposed to tell me what a freaking amazing firm they had going on. After his pleasant reception, he made a point of not returning my calls, stringing me along, and finally sending a "Dear Occupant" rejection letter.
Well, he called today seeking a continuance in a matter that was "just sent over" to him. But what courtesies can I bestow upon thee, O Great One.
2. Minivans Drivers. They drive too slow, use too much gas, and they cannot navitate left hand turns without stopping traffic.
3. Michael Kors/Vogue Knitting. I'm so pleased that Vogue Knitting is bringing me and my fellow knitaholics the latest in high fashion knitwear. Like this delightful confection by Michael Kors, who has figured what Every Woman Wants: A way to make her ass look bigger. The model is Exhibit A looks like she hasn't seen food in weeks. The same model in Exhibit B looks like she got an ass as big as mine -- even bigger. I just searched www.vogueknitting.com and - surprise - the lovely design is no where to be found. I'll have to scan in the picture. It's horrific.
4. Sleepless Toddlers. I won't name names, but she knows who she is.
5. Elementary School Curriculum. Just 3 weeks until I start fighting with Thing 2's teacher and principal to try to get her some challenging work. I've decided that I no longer care if they think I'm a pain in the ass parent. If it gets Thing 2 engaged in learning (for the first time in 2+ years), I'll take the hit on my reputation. I should really screw with them and volunteer for the PTO. . .
6. Acetone. Thanks. Really. Now I have to pay $10 for a .5 ml bottle of water on the plane. If the Flight Attendant gets around to it. . .
7. "Business Casual". Freaking nightmare.
8. Jenny Craig. Food nazis. I was on the program for 2 weeks. During my first consultation, the vapid program spouter chastised me for putting sugar in my coffee. "SUGAR IN MY COFFEE", people. NOT, "an entire cheesecake in my mouth". Plus, they put lima beans in one of the foods they made me eat. Nary a lima bean has passed these lips since the 1970s. I'm not about to start now.