Thursday, July 27, 2006

That Sinking Feeling, Part Deux

I survived the "short meeting". I was not bitch-slapped -- the purpose of the meeting was to touch base mid-year so that there are no surprises at year end and to see if I'm happy with the mix of work, yadda yadda yadda. I was, however, informed that there would be an informal "substantive review" in the next few weeks, where all of my weaknessess and failures to date will be discussed, and blame will be lain, in a cold and unforgiving environment (I'm paraphrasing).

In other news, I interviewed with that Company yesterday (see Cassandra Forever, supra), mostly on John's insistence that I keep myself "out there" and "interview-ready". (Ugh, like I hadn't been on a billion interviews this year.) Anyway, it sounds like a really great opportunity. If they have any interest, I may have some tough decisions to make.


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