Thursday, September 07, 2006

The POP heard 'round the world

Thing 2 has a way attempting to engage me in deep and meaningful discussion about trivia at the least opportune times. Like when I'm trying to give an unwilling 2yo medicine, or in the shower or juggling knives. . .

So this morning, while I'm trying to drink my coffee, she asks,

"Do you know who changed America?"

"Uh, I dunno. Who changed America, my dear?"

"Andy Warhol."

Warhol? WARHOL?!! No presidents, civil rights activists, nuclear physicists? Okay, I'll bite.

"How did Any Warhol change America?"

"He invented Pop Tarts."


Thing 2 usually gets her facts straight, but she thought she read "Pop Tarts" in a book called "100 People Who Changed America", and that was all she needed to know.


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